
Level Earth Observer can't AWACS or GPS

Level Earth Observer can't AWACS or GPS Level Earth Observer thinks AWACS is a waste of money and the Global Positioning System is not fit for purpose. Why doesn't fake NASA just put up satellites? Is this something a globehead can explain? Or is this a killer of the curved Earth? I think Level Earth Observer is again demonstrating the dunning kruger effect.

Why doesn't Level Earth observer stop his fail by reading? By using Google? By asking the local village idiot? AWACS is a great solution for tracking missiles and planes. GPS is an amazing system of satellites that provide incredible positioning for planes, boats, cars, phones etc.

Stop just believing Flat Earth when Globe Earth evidence is all around you (see what I did there!)

#AWACS #GPS #LevelEarthObserver

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Level Earth Observer can't AWACS or GPS:

leo,flat earth observer,spheres,conspiritard,flatard,flattard,flat earth,globe earth,ball earth,round earth,globe head,globehead,globist,curved earth,flerf,gravity,conspiracy,earth curve,horizon,nasa,fake nasa,nasa shill,DFOTY,fail,earth curvature,no curve,face palm,earth level,curve,rotation,earth rotation,nasa lies,flat,atmosphere,vacuum,cherry picking,gps,global positioning system,level earth observer,awacs,satellite,dunning kruger effect,

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