
CleverBooks - See, Hear and Touch the Knowledge

CleverBooks - See, Hear and Touch the Knowledge About: CleverBooks Ltd. breaks down boundaries in STEM and sets the standards in integration of Augmented Reality technology in education with a focus on STEM curriculum. CleverBooks provides EdTech resources (Geometry, Geography and Engineering subjects) that bring boring schools subjects “to life” through visualizing STEM concepts in 3D meeting necessary for the 21st-century kid’s learning demands and empowering them to create and discover in a fun and engaging learning environment. Since early 2017 resources are pilot tested in 935+ schools worldwide at primary level.

Get access to the best CPD course in AR for K-12 Education! 15h of content presenting innovative teaching method from 35+ global educators - video replays of presentation from the AR/VR in K-12 Education Summit 2019 - CLICK HERE


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