Are you following Jesus but trying to be discrete and private about it? Do you shy away from talking about Jesus around others even if they believe in Jesus as well? Do your friends and neighbors even know that you are a Christian? Then I am here to tell you right now how to finally set yourself free of this bondage of fear. Just open your heart to the truth and that truth is that Jesus loves you and there is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed, ashamed , or afraid of by saying you are a Christian to the world. This fear is the Enemies hope and plan, fight him off right now and never fear speaking about Jesus again my friend. Once and for all deny Satan's lies that hold over you, never hide your love for Jesus again , cry out to Jesus right now and ask him to give you the power and strength to break these chains of shame and fear. Jesus is the Almighty God, creator of the Universe, he was here from the beginning and will be here until the end, he is your Heavenly Father and is the only one who can raise you from the grave to everlasting life because of his eternal love for you, why would you be embarrassed, ashamed, or afraid of that? I totally understand that most people like their privacy but having Jesus in your heart is not something that should be kept private my brothers and sisters because it is a precious gift that needs to be shared and celebrated, not hidden and kept secret. I know some Christians keep to themselves because they are afraid of persecution and ridicule but let me ask you this simple question my friend, was Jesus afraid of persecution and ridicule when he was tortured and nailed to a wooden cross bleeding out and finally succumbing to death by slowly suffocating to pay the ultimate price for our sins? According to Mark's Gospel, Jesus endured the hellish torment of crucifixion for some six hours from the third hour, at approximately 9 am, until his death at the ninth hour, corresponding to about 3 pm. Jesus allowed himself to be sacrificed to pay the ultimate price for your sins by dying and going to retrieve the key's to unlock the Gates of Hell , then resurrecting back to life to ascend to Heaven where he awaits his return to have us join him in everlasting life in his Kingdom with him if you believe in him and accept him as Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior. Never be embarrassed, ashamed, or afraid to say the name of Jesus aloud in front of anyone. You must be strong in faith not weak. Jesus offers his promise to all of us because we are all his creation. Jesus loves you with all of his sacred heart, allow his love to fully consume and protect you from any doubts in life and let his light proudly shine through you for all the world to see and you will be set free forever more. I pray all who read this put on the Armor of God and never fear sharing the love of Jesus Christ again, Amen.
Mark 8:35 - For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.