I will not sweet-talk you, if I see something bad or harsh. Maybe this is something that you really need to hear now.
If there are other people involved in the situation, the energies might be switched. It may also resonate with a different area of your life or a different time of your life, as energy knows no time. It may as well be that you will find a message for you in a reading from the past, so let your intuition guide you.
Also, if you don’t feel the reading – don’t try to force it upon yourself. It will not bring you any good and it usually means that this reading is just not meant for you.
It may also be that only a smart part of a reading is supposed to reach you, so keep your eyes and ears opened!
It is completely normal that I may tune in with you for a while and then I will tune into someone else’s energy and we will loose the connection between the two of us for a time being, so don’t get discouraged if a reading or two does not resonate with you.
My decks:
Night Sun Tarot -
Witches Tarot -
The Gilded Tarot -
Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot -
Magic Wild Wood Tarot, Soul Spirit
My Chart:
Sun 🌞 – Aquarius
Moon 🌕 – Leo
Mercury ☿ - Capricorn
Venus ♀︎ - Sagittarius
Asc - Capricorn
Legal Disclaimer All readings and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgement. The readings are for entertainment purposes only. Ultimately, you must always use your own judgement and wisdom when making life decisions.
P.S. Sometimes my I speak some profanities, so if you’re not okay with that, then I wish you all best on your journey.