***UPDATE*** We ended up doing over 1700km on that trip, wearing the glasses for most of it - and not one spew! Horray! And only a small amount of nausea. If you have someone who gets carsick, motion sick - you HAVE to try these - it's worth looking a bit crazy to not feel so ill.
USA people can get them from Amazon here:
International people can get them from here:
#Vanners - we love #OffTheBeatenTrack #caravanning trips. We are all about finding family-friendly activities, and love exploring the outdoors while getting our fill of fun caravan travel as a family of 5.
#CaravanLife and #RVLife is awesome!
Subscribe to our channel #Vanners so you won't miss any of our epic caravan adventures!
We filmed most of this episode with an Osmo Pocket (with no additional mics). We also love to use the GoPro Hero7 Black
***Gear Links***
Get the GoPro from Amazon here:
And the Osmo Pocket from here:
*We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.