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#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening
In this video I'm going to be showing you multi-dimensional manifestation. This goes beyond the law of attraction and this may be a game changer of something that changes your life forever.
Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you multi-dimensional manifestation, understanding the process that I believe to be even more powerful than the old school way we go about attracting what we want in our lives and how this can profoundly change our life when we get to the core of it.
So you may have seen on my channel a lot, I've been bringing more of the esoteric type information into the channel recently. A lot of this information is things that I've been excited about for a long time, but kind of been just not putting out because I didn't know how people would necessarily perceive of it.
Um, but it really, what it does is it infuses the law of attraction with personal development and spirituality and what we could say metaphysics. And when it intertwines all the of these things, we'll see that some of the paradigms that we use to use may work....
Hard work can get you to a certain spot and maybe you eventually tame that hard work and know how to take efficient action versus just hardworking. But in general there are many different paradigms at work. So you could do like the Gary Vaynerchuk mentality where it's like work really, really hard.
You could do it where it's the Abraham Hicks where it's like, raise your vibration. That works as well. Multi-Dimensional manifestation is another offshoot of that. And in a way it's similar, but it's also different. So multi-dimensional manifestation has to do with the awareness of who we are as multidimensional beings.
And when we have this awareness, we can then dial in on a certain reality we want to experience and we can experience it so much faster because we have the awareness that that other version of us already exists. So the normal way we go about manifestation is that we believe we are this physical ego structure.
So the way normally people go about things is they want to attract something they don't currently have into their life and they want to become a better version of them, which also emphasizes time-space reality. It emphasizes that this is where I was in my past. This is where I am now.
This is where I want to get in the future. But you see what multidimensional manifestation has to do with is understanding that that's not just who we are. We're not just this, this 3d physical Avatar, ego. We are spiritual beings that exist at many different levels.
And when we bring this information and this awareness into our ability to manifest, things happen even easier because we're able to directly dial in on different parts of ourselves because we aren't really just the ego. When we think we are, we will experience reality as it is, as if the case, if as if that's the case, we'll think that if we think that we need to work hard, then we'll think it's all the ego instead of knowing we can surrender some of that to our higher mind.
When we start to realize that we're multi-dimensional, things become even easier. I did this kind of subconsciously when I decided I wanted to dial in. I, in a way, it was like very, it was a very spiritual thing for me when I was walking around in my house back in 2017 and and knowing that I wasn't where I wanted to be, I was working at nine to five job I wasn't passionate about.
And in February of 2017 then I had this epiphany. I almost felt like it was my future version of me that was communicating with me in a way. I was there and I was like, I had this download and said, if you make videos every day for a year, your life will change.
You won't even be able to, it'll be a completely different life. You will live, you'll be living your dream in a way you can't even imagine within one year. So I said, okay, I'm gonna make a video every single day for a year no matter what. And in a way I felt like that was the.....
Adventures by A Himitsu
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