This combo is difficult for a few reasons, first and foremost I am using a few different cancels for instance Bringer Knuckle Cancel, Jump Cancel and Calibur Cancels. I also use a devil breaker, devil trigger and 2 perfect exceeds which are 2 frame links essentially.
This combo was performed on Son of Sparda difficulty with the enemy health turned off so without further ado lets go into the combo notation.
Combo notation - Shuffle, Wire Snatch, Streak (BKC), Red Queen Combo C however I BKC the first hit but the second I perform 3 attacks at once, I land the attack, BKC it and max exceed all at the same time!
After Red Queen Combo C, I use an EX launcher, Aerial TT delay T, JC (Jump Cancel), Aerial Wire Snatch, Aerial T, Calibur, JC, Shot, Calibur, JC, Shot, Aerial Wire Snatch, Aerial T (Max Exceed).
Now I used EX Double Down, Shot, Jump forward into Punchline, Neutral Jump, Devil Trigger, Aerial TT, Shot, Buster into Showdown into taunt.